So why should you visit my page? Good question! The answer lies in the mission I believe God has given me-that mission that combines my lifelong love of words and writing with a divine purpose. Ultimately, I want the words that I write to you (and to myself) to ENCOURAGE, to ENLIGHTEN, and to EQUIP.
Let’s face it. We all need encouragement. Doing life in this crazy world is hard. Doing the Christian life? Well, that’s even harder. I’ve found in my own life that a little encouragement goes a long way. We all need a cheerleader now and again. In fact, we are advised in scripture to cheer each other on: “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Paul even writes to the Romans that through our mutual faith we encourage one another (Romans 1:12). Let’s face it…discouragement in our Christian walk is like a death sentence to our faith. And without faith, we cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6). So let me encourage you in your faith!
When the sky seems a little dark and when the air feels like rain, we could all use a little light. And what better place to find light than from the source of the light? From the One who said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). Let me just say that I love God’s word. I need God’s word. Spending time in God’s word is probably the most important part of my day, a part for which I have radically altered my personal schedule. But, sadly, that was not always the case. For the majority of my Christian life, my attention to God’s word, my time in God’s word, was sporadic at best. I had a great desire to give the Bible a greater place in my life, but I didn’t know how. Then one day I heard a preacher issue a 90-day Bible-reading-lifestyle challenge to his listeners: 30 days of DISCIPLINE, 30 days of DEVOTION, and finally, 30 days of DELIGHT. Now, three years later, I can honestly say that that 90 days was life-changing for me. Now, my day begins with reading God’s word. Spending time in the scriptures is like sunshine to me. It enlightens me. I want to share that enlightenment with you.
Not only does God’s word bring light to our lives, but it equips us with everything we need to navigate successfully through this carnal world we live in, providing the only weapon we need to engage in spiritual warfare. The word of God is our weapon, the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). It answers every question, always pointing directly to that eternal truth that is Christ Jesus, from the first page to the last, from “In the beginning” to “Amen.” Together, let’s allow this timeless word to equip us “for the work of the ministry,” that we might work together to edify one another as the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12).