
I love the passage in Luke immediately after the resurrected Jesus appears to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. As they journey, Jesus shows Himself to them, blesses and breaks bread with them, and then disappears…literally (Luke 24: 30-31). Those disciples, Cleopas and the unnamed other, return hastily to Jerusalem to share their […]

Get Dressed Today!

Good morning friends! As I’m sitting here enjoying a cup of coffee and some peace and quiet (much needed) on this beautiful Saturday morning, let me just say that it has been a week! And I mean a WEEK! I admit that I have felt a little like Jonah: “cast [me] into the deep, into […]

Shelter in place….

I’ve mentioned before that I’m a school teacher. As this summer rapidly comes to a close, I’ve been thinking of many of the workshops and training sessions the faculty members at my school will be required to participate in when we return to our school buildings. Several of these trainings and workshops will focus on […]